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What Is The Difference Between Walking a Fine Line and a Thread?

Bridesmaide Equittquet

The bride under fire is walking the fine line with her family and friends. She's not making all the popular decisions her family and friends want her to make. These decisions can be simple or complete. She's standing up for her beliefs, her wants, her needs. She's making the wedding about herself rather than her families wants. Therefore, she's walking a fine line.

  1. She's pushing the boundries and limits on the things she can and can not do.

  2. She's not holding up to the conversations of her wants as a child, she's matured.

  3. She's expanded the budget and the wedding is costing more.

  4. Her floral taste.

  5. Her taste for the food served has changed.

  6. The color choices her and her mother and family members discussed when they were children have changed.

  7. Here and her family are argueing , renegotiating, discussing, crying, fighting, rediscussing ever part of the planning prossess.

  8. She's not allowing people and family to tell her what she wants.

  9. She's loved abuntly, yet no one knows how to help her, even through they know she's hurting.

  10. She's hearing whats being spoken not agreeing with what's being said.

Threads are different than fine lines. There not usually walked with family members unless they treaded early and don't want them broken. If I was to metaphorically speak of it i would discribe as a garmet stiched together. No one person owns the whole thing, if they did they could pull on it and the bride and wedding would fall apart. Therefore, you don't really address the issue full on fear it will fall apart. You, the wedding party will walk away, once it's broken it's gone.

Is one better than the other? I'd have to say it's not my place to say. Threads are frindships, cousins maybe a boyfriend or two. It's all the discisions made with the girls. So to speak.

  1. What her favorite colors are.

  2. Bridemaids dresses

  3. Bridemaids shoes

  4. A thought.

  5. A quote.

  6. A trend.

  7. A laugh.

  8. Moments

  9. Clothing Accessories

  10. Earrings


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