Wedding Trends 2021
Exciting news! Wedding Trends are 2021
I found some fun wedding trends that you can enjoy!
1. Corona Brides: Are you a "Corona Bride"? Then this is the trend for you! Wear a mask and it is my understanding that "Carona Brides" and dealing with appealing their own makeup. This is a far distance from the traditional , Tierra worn. As always, humans find a way to adjust.
2. Assigned Seating: This is one of my favorite and most practical for the wedding venue. Assigned station. Allowing you the opportunity to social distance people attending. This is assigned seating at the wedding as well as the reception.
3. Assigned seating at receptions. Making the tables if round seat ten (5) Now you seat five (5). If the table seats eight (8) now you can seat four (4), if you were planning on tables that seat four (4) now it can seat two (2). The tables are socially distanced and they seat two instead of four allowing the people traffic to move freely throughout the venue.

5. Tents: Spring is almost here and pretty soon you'll be able to rent a tent for receptions. The weather will allow you to have the sides of the tent open. I personally would add that you should find out which sides the wind or breeze direction and leave those in place. Helping place setting from not blowing away in the breeze.

The other thing I would suggest if you will be renting a tent for you're wedding for this year, is to have the food plated and served vs Buffett. The reason for this has to do with Covid19 social distance rules. Outdoor seating is the trend that the government is allowing therefore you can find a venue that specializes in this. One of my favorite venues that can accommodate this type of seating is the La Jolla Woman's Tennis Club
Click on the link and see what they can do for you. If you would like more information about other venues. Book an appointment with MK Pure Diamond Events

6. Make-up Artist- The make-up artist has a big job to do. It is recommended that she wear a mask while doing make. I like to suggest that if you are getting your makeup done by a professional artist to have the professional make-up and hair professionals in another room from the wedding party. Make appointments. For example have a schedule time for each person in the wedding party to get their wedding look on. You can schedule two. One for hair and one for makeup and rotate until everyone is done. This will allow social distancing, since the bride and groom are already exposed to their wedding party. This will help protect the professionals hired to do what they do best. Make the wedding party look professional.
7. Wedding Planner and Assistants - We are all wearing mask when in public places and social distancing us from the book appointments through website. Before you do this know if you want her/him on site when your wedding day comes around.
8. Remember It's your Wedding Day. You can cry if you want to.'ll experience many emotions throughout the day. Let yourself feel what you feel it's okay, however "The greatest of these is love!"
I feel so excited for the future of all of you who read this blogpost. Thank you! You are the best.