@MKPDE Planner (2020-21)

Hi there,
How exciting it is our new 2021 planner is now for purchase on the website store. What? Yes, it's true MK Pure Diamond Events now has a planner for you to purchase. It's exciting news I know. Believe this this little planner has flexibility with your schedule. Funny right? You know you control your schedule and all you have to do is write it down in the @MKPDE Planner and you have a record that can last as proof for taxes or personal lifestyle. What is your lifestyle. Do you enjoy exercising? Then we have the exercise tracker for you. Do you enjoy tracking your money? Then we have the expense tracker for you.

All of this plus monthly calendar and weekly schedule is just for you. I realize that in this complex digital world one needs an efficient way to keep a record of tracking of oneself. Digital apps are a lot of fun to use. However, they are here today and gone tomorrow.
This planner currently has two versions. One with an all white cover. The other with a floral cover. You choose. We are also offering the option of engraving your initials. Three letters only of choice. Most people choose First name initial, middle name initial, last name initial, however we allow you the freedom of choice.
This is what the @MKPDE Planner with White Cover will look like.

Both planners are exactly the same on the inside. A little less than 200 pages. The @MKPDE Planner is meant for use with many different types of products. With it's 28lb white paper this planner can be written on its white pages with pen, pencil, markers, water colors and more. Depending on how much pressure you apply to the writing tool, or how pigmented the ink is some ghosting my appear. However, this past year I have had minimal ghosting happening with this paper. With the @MKPDE Planner being tape bound it should be able to make writing easier with both pages being able to be flat on writing surface.

Visit @MKPDE Planner for details.
This is what the @MKPDE Planner with Floral Cover will look like.
If you'd like more information on the @MKPDE Planner or to book an appointment with MK Pure Diamond Events please use the contact us for at http://mkpurediamondevents.com/contact