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Planner For Granted

@MKPDE Planner

Oh how I have taken my planner for granted. Did or have you gone through the phases of having a planner and taking it for granted? I was thinking of all the years I have used one. "Used them and loose them." That's what someone motto was that I once knew. So I did. I used him and lost him. I took the motto and applied it to my planner. From Steven Covey to the latest planner phase/addiction. From Louie Vuiton to the latest iPhone Calendar. Many others not worth mentioning. I have tried them all. Okay, maybe not all of them. That's an exaggeration.

Seriously, we all go through phases. I wish I could make you some great promise about how my planner is better than others, however I can not. I just know that it works for me. Why? Mainly because I use it. I have tried many different types throughout the years. From digital planning to diaries. However, I discovered, with digital calendar I can write the appointment on the wrong date or accidentally deleted it. Pressured to complete writing the appointment quickly while standing in front of a person, while the other person is waiting. Yes, digital planers are good, however if you're not fast at writing or is it typing one feels the pressure. With paper planner I can do the same thing, with the expect the delete is intentional. The pressure felt is different. The other person can see what you're doing and waits more patiently. It is the competition of: "Anything I can do you can do better." That leads me and other people to frustration. My frustration with this thought helped me create my own planner book. Why should I design a planner for someone else when I can do it for myself? That's the mentality or thought today. I catch. Why should I pay someone to plan an event when I can do it for myself.

I have been frustrated with my own planners I have purchased. From very expensive ones to very cheap ones. I loved the day's when just a monthly calendar was enough to post all the details of my life. I say this jokingly. "Love the moment in time you're in." Is my belief. How simple that was. However, now I love being able to plan the details. That's something I never thought I'd enjoy.

That's what meeting, wedding and event planners do. We plan the details of the event to take place. You plan the details of your life. We begin and end at the planning and completion of the event. We do this for all our clients. I took the knowledge I learn and applied it to my @MKPDE Planner. I am hoping it will help organize your day. I am not hoping I plan your life for you. You can get as creative as you'd like with the planner. There is plenty of room on the pages to decorate, write your appointments and even place to track your expense and exercise. Need to keep track of how much or how little water your drinking, so do I. I included that also.

I hope to have the book out in July of this year. In the meantime download the planner and let me know what you think.

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