
I have often been asked when your planning an event how do you do it. How do you keep track of every ones receipts. The truth is I have used many systems developed throughout all time. I always return to my old school method of doing things.
Although I love technology and what it brings to accounting world. I like to double check things with my system. Soon to be on for sale on my website. It is a simple matter of taking the responsiblitiey for ones own action.
When I get home. I place all my receipts in this convention to place (usually the monthly envelope)until I have time to track them. I schedule that into my planner (available for sale in 2020), and don’t beat myself up about not having the time to schedule my receipts right away. I know and understand the new systems you take a photo (click) and file away. However, I personally enjoy looking through my receipt and seeing if the sales price was applied. (Talking to the cashier sometimes prevents this). If I was on top of my game paying the best price for my clients. Then I write what each client owes me, the time I spent shopping and no one gets over billed.
I have found this method works great with people who are on a budget and want to stay that way. It’s exciting to meet budget goals. I personally love it when I have money left over at the end of the month.This budget goes into my future plan account and it begins all over again with the new month. For my DYI (do you yourself) customers it gives them a true understanding of how they are spending their money. They can return the items they will not be using and also have proof of purchase with the date of return ends.
Please return to the website this will be on sale soon. If you’d like singn-up for out email mailings to be notified when it will be on sale.