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Ugly Sweater

I love this time of year. You know we (people) have been blessed with four season and not one is like another. We are suppose to enjoy the season. Sing a good song. Dance have fun. Did you know that one of the funniest days of the year is being able to tell someone. You are so ugly! Like we did in school when we were children! Yes, that is the fun of it was always my favorite time of year when I taught children. I would allow them to say whatever they wanted during that time. This is why I always recommend you have one of these a year. Of corse there is the child, the sweet child that likes it. Then there are the little ones who make up stories and song.

The moment of truth always happens the days after school vacation starts when I dress with them the rest of the time. You see as a teacher I started a collection, so that the month of December I could wear them all the time. It only happens once a year...only this time and all is a whisper. The whispers the songs, the laughters. I never opened the gifts I received in front of them. Didn’t want to show favoritism, they spoke of how they felt I was doing as a teacher. Okay, not really it spoke of the social econimic group their parents were in.

When school was over I would wear them proudly rotating them each day. As I went shopping. I’d run into my children, and they say..”you shop?” As if they’d never seen a teacher do normal things. Once I was eating and the child started laughing and said: “You eat?”. That’s why I loved teaching Montessori schools the teaches get to sit at the children and set their place setting and eat right with the children. We are not more important than them. We are always learning too. (Due to the fact I didn’t paid enough I had to start my own business. Two part-time jobs is what I worked. Teacher by day. Event planner nights and weekends.

If you have never had one you must rush and get one this year for next years parties. They will only be half price at Macy’s, Target and Walmart. Place it in its own private place so it will keep until next year, don’t hang it in your closet it will stretch out. Maybe, you’ll get one as a gift. What am I talking about!

Ugly Christmas/Holiday Sweater Day! Make it a party theme for this year or next. It’s the only day you get to share your Ugly thoughts with that person. It’s so much fun sharing your thoughts with others....or is it?

Like, tell a friend and pass the word 2019 will be a good season for ugly sweaters.

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