Picnic for Two in August Under $40.00
Okay girls, woman, for the past seven (7) months I have been writing about picnics under forty dollars. This month it is our turn to ask the guy of our choice on a picnic.
Two Power drinks $ 5.00
Power Food
Cheeses $20.00
Rock Climbing $20.00
Total Cost $40.00
Vertical hold is a great place to take a date, then you can find a place to set relax and eat a power lunch. I know it may sound silly, however what male doesn't enjoy a woman who can be herself and enjoy the experience of rock climbing or an athletic activity. Picnic's don't always have to be about romance. Sometimes it is just about getting outside and enjoying the great outdoors or trying something new.
Woman desire equal pay, for equal employment right? Why not have our voice heard and make it Equal ability to plan a picnic or ask someone on a date?
While your at it explain to the date of your choice the importance of celebrating Woman Equality Day on August 28th.