Dating the Guy In the Paper Closet
There is a time in every office worker's life where they learn the paper closet. We took turns getting our supplies from the paper...

Martin Luther King Reflection of Wedding Views told Through Maria Kamon©™
January 18, 2021 is soon approaching. Our thoughts of all the things Martin Luther King fought for are somehow muddled by the things...

Planning for a Future
There are so many things I's like to say. In event planning the future your planning for is the day of your event. If I could share any...

Blogmas vs Vlogmas Sunday Review
The competition is high as I look for the best vlogs to watch. I have my favorites personally. Then I have those I enjoy watching the...
Winters Bride Summer’s Dress
Woman always find fault with brides. I always think “Isn’t she cold.”

What have you done to me. A year of ups and down's. We have covid we don't. The world finances. Country, City and States battling for...

26 days in Advent
It's time for Blogmas, where I live not to be confused with Advent. Or is it?

Themes For The Holiday's
As I sit here listening to "Relaxing music" I can't help but think to myself, how many snippets of Christmas past. From acting out the...

Weddings Trends In 2021
I wish I could tell you I had all the answers to the question "What is a perfect wedding?' The answer is always in the couple getting...

Planner For Granted
Oh how I have taken my planner for granted. Did or have you gone through the phases of having a planner and taking it for granted? I was...