The Age of Zoom
I have sat at my desk getting ready for a meeting and thinking to myself. "Wow! Do kids have it tough today." Such empathy for them...

2021 Weddings Three Helpful Tips
Three tips of advice for 2021 weddings.

Why Is The Answer Always Yes? (Before you ask the question.)
You think you know what your doing when you ask the most important question of you life. Do you? Does anyone really know what their...

Wedding Bouquet
Traditionally the wedding bouquet was a symbol of live florals. The brides bouquet is called a "Posy" They are considered classic....

Earth Day
There are many things that claim Earth. There are earthenware product however there are also eco friendly earth products. MK Pure Diamond...

Wedding Trends 2021
Wedding trends for 2021, under the rules and regulation for Covid19

Cherry Eater (That Dirty Couple)
There use to be a thing...that's what I like to call it. When people use to pertensiouly drink eat other dry. However, there is a...

3 Three Wedding Hacks For DYI Bride
These little hacks might save you a little time and money. The goal of a DYI bride is to get the look of designer wedding for less....

Spring Ahead To 2022
Floral vs Plants Arrangements for Table Decor Looking at the trend of decorating you wedding, meeting,or event in 2021-22, How can you get t

Free Style Marriage
It's 2021 and we don't have to marry. Lets face the reality it is something heterosexual did to profess their love for one another. A...