Should I Rent or Purchase.
How does one decide what to rent and what to purchase for their wedding, meeting, or event?

Spring 2023 Garden Party
There is something so beautiful about having a Garden Party. You know when your friends all get dressed up and come over just for the fun...

Event Staging vs Home Decor It's In The Details
One of the things I enjoy is blogging. The other thing I enjoy is writing about it. Why?

3 Three Wedding Hacks For DYI Bride
These little hacks might save you a little time and money. The goal of a DYI bride is to get the look of designer wedding for less....

The Formality of a Placesetting
What is a formal pacesetting? Why do we set down at a table and set the dishes in a certain order? What is the difference between a...

What have you done to me. A year of ups and down's. We have covid we don't. The world finances. Country, City and States battling for...

Magic of The Holiday
Magic defined as the power to control natural forces possessed by certain persons. The art or skill of performing tricks or illusions for...

Holiday Party Themes 2020
Be Advised we are still under Covie19 rules and regulations and it is advised by our government that people not have parties, unless they...

Photo by Jeremy Wong from Pexels Like saying “Yes, to the Dress” the Bride also has to say Yes, to the cake. Grandma wants Fruit Cake and...

Twis the night before Christmas and all through your house, not a creature was stirring not even your louse. They listen intently to hear...