Meeting The Needs of Your Attendees At Confrences
Meeting planning can be difficult for the average person. Here are some tips that might assist you business in planning their own conference

Business To Event (Five Tips To Help Your Planning Process)
Tips in planning a Business to Events meetings. Five tips that will set you up for success.

The Age of Zoom
I have sat at my desk getting ready for a meeting and thinking to myself. "Wow! Do kids have it tough today." Such empathy for them...

2021 Spring Colors
One of the current trends for events is the colors Pantone Colors of Yellow and Grey. How exciting it is to have this color combination...

Spring Ahead To 2022
Floral vs Plants Arrangements for Table Decor Looking at the trend of decorating you wedding, meeting,or event in 2021-22, How can you get t

Dating the Guy In the Paper Closet
There is a time in every office worker's life where they learn the paper closet. We took turns getting our supplies from the paper...

Blogmas vs Vlogmas Sunday Review
The competition is high as I look for the best vlogs to watch. I have my favorites personally. Then I have those I enjoy watching the...

Planner For Granted
Oh how I have taken my planner for granted. Did or have you gone through the phases of having a planner and taking it for granted? I was...

What Do You Eat For Breakfast?
Happy 2020! Where are vision is now being focused on many things around the world. A year full of Global Events. There is the...

Coping With The Season (a non-traditional post)
Hi there, Everyone; You know how much I love meetings weddings and event planning. In the process of event planning there is always a...